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REP Particulate Matter PM Sensors

Q: What is a diesel particulate matter (PM) sensor?
A: The particulate matter sensor was originally developed for use in diesel emissions systems on commercial vehicles. The sensor is installed downstream of the diesel particle filter (DPF) and its function is to detect if any soot has bypassed the DPF. This constantly monitors the aftertreatment system’s efficiency and makes sure that the DPF has not been compromised.
Q: What do I need to know about working with PM sensors?
A: The PM Sensor is a smart sensor that detects solid matter (particulates) instead of gas like most other sensors. Care must be given when handling these sensors.
  • Handle with care. Sensors contain a ceramic element that is fragile.
  • Use a lubricant on the sensor threads only
  • DO NOT CUT THE HARNESS when initially attempting to remove the sensor.
  • If damage to the threads occurs when removing the sensor, replace the bung.